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Human Resources + Training

Althing Consulting are leaders in the field of specialized cannabis training, and have assisted numerous licensed cannabis entities fill vital positions in their organization. Whether you are looking for a security professional, a master grower, an extraction technician, or a quality assurance manager, Althing can assist your company to find the right individual for the job.

Standard Operating Procedures

Althing's team of expert HR consultants have developed cannabis-specific Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), for both cannabis production and retailing. These documents are both the basis for most licensing applications, as well as foundational training material for staff.

By leveraging Althing's considerable experience in cannabis business operations, our clients benefit from industry-leading SOPs that are custom-built for their business operation, giving them significant advantages in efficiency, time to market, and insurability.

Responsible Vending Training

When it comes to training materials for cannabis retail staff, Althing's principal consultants have developed principles and practices for cannabis retailers aimed at reducing liability and insurance costs, while also enhancing customer experience and increasing sales.